What is this page? 🤔

You've found the Daily Journal page! Use this daily journal to record notable event(s) and their impact on your day, as well as reflect upon yourself at the end of the month to see how you can improve your emotions! Use the rating and mood columns to document how you're feeling. To remind yourself what made you feel a certain way, use the topic and comments column. Prioritize your mental well-being! 😊

How do I use this page? 😓

Main Event 🏃đŸŧ

In this column, you will indicate a specific event that affected your mood positively or negatively

Rating ⭐

In this column, you will rate your day out of 5 stars

Mood 😁đŸ˜ĸ

In this column, you will state how you're feeling using a one word descriptor, e.g. Happy, Overwhelmed.

Note: You can make the tags for your mood beforehand to make it easier to select from a list in later entries.

Summary ℹī¸

This column can be used to add extra information, for example, the following can be included:

<aside> 💡 Feel free to delete this introduction section once you've familiarized yourself with this page!

