What is this page? 🤔

You've found the Mental Health Journal! Mental Health Journals are proven to help you improve your self-confidence and overall well-being. It helps you reflect on triggering circumstances and helps you improve day-to-day tasks. Something as simple as not enough sleep can make an impact on how anxious you are throughout the day. Prioritizing such aspects will help you in the long run.

How do I use this page? 😓

The journal entries are made to be easily used and can be navigated through easily. For the Entry Name, you can choose to refer to a specific date, as shown, or you can refer to a specific event that occurred that day. The subsequent columns allow you to document how you're feeling and with columns such as "Hours Slept" you may be able to pinpoint what factors led to certain emotions. For example, if you only slept for 5 hours, you may have an energy level of 2/5.

How do I customize this page? 🔧

Journal Entries