What is a retrospective timetable? πŸ€”

Congratulations on finding the Retrospective Timetable Explanation! A traditional (prospective) schedule is time-oriented and involves you listing everything you want to get through for a specific day. A retrospective schedule on the other had, is topic-oriented and is much more effective for studying!

In a retrospective schedule, you start by listing all the topics you want to study and then work backwards (aka, retrospectively), tracking the days you spend learning each topic! A subject will feel less overwhelming once broken down to its different topics.

What do you do? 🧠

You may create an excel sheet (OR use the retrospective timetables in the course pages of this notion template!) with the title of all the topics in one column, and then fill in the dates each time you study a topic

Tips πŸ’πŸ½

<aside> πŸ’‘ The retrospective timetable features in this template were adapted from reddit user u/eunoia101
