With so many tasks to do, it can be easy to loose track of deadlines or forget the small details. Staying organized will save you so much time and energy, and allow you to reach your best academic potential. Organization is not a one-size-fits-all skill, and the best organization techniques will be the ones that work best for you! Regardless of how you choose to get organized, you want to be aware of upcoming deadlines, breakup large tasks into smaller ones, have a plan for how and when you want to accomplish your tasks, and set up a daily routine.

Helpful Tips

  1. Use an agenda and/or a calendar

  2. Create to-do lists

  3. Use a note-taking app or maintain organized hand-written notes

    <aside> 📢 Organized notes can be used not just in your current courses, but also referenced again in future courses. You never know when you may need a refresher on a specific topic — if you previously made organized notes on that topic, you can just reference those notes instead of researching it again! Digital notes are easier to organize and retrieve.
