Throughout the goal-setting process, Notion can be used as a visual representation of your goals (short-term and long-term), but also help to organize the various steps and checkpoints along the way. You can organize goal setting via the "milestones" tracker on the dashboard. Here, you can plan out what are your short, mid, and long term goals for this week, month, and year respectively (although these can be modified to suit whichever time frame you prefer.)

For Example:

Our goal-setting "milestones" framework can be found on our dashboard.


Goal-Setting Process

  1. Decide what you want to work towards, what you want to accomplish. It should be something you’re interested in or excited by, and something you want to do for yourself. It should also generally be something that is outside of your possibility right now, but something you can accomplish if you work towards it -- this is what leads to personal development and growth.
  2. Write it down somewhere. This is extremely important, as writing it down (or recording it somewhere you return to regularly) will “set it in stone” as it were, increasing the chance that you continue to work towards it, even when it gets tough.

<aside> ✍🏻 Set your goals and record them somewhere that you will check often, like a Notion homepage. This way, every time you access that page (which should be fairly regularly), you are reminded about what you are working towards!


  1. Be specific in EXACTLY what you want to achieve. Having well-defined goals is important to gauging your progression down the line. Use specific terms and set a rough time/date by when you want to have achieved it.
  2. Plan out how you will go about achieving your goal. For long-term or big goals, it’s important to break them down into smaller, more short-term “checkpoints”, as it were. Sometimes, large goals tend to be vague, and so having smaller sub goals allows us to better define our success, and to not lose sight of the finish line.
  3. Persevere. It can be hard sometimes to keep going with your goal. You can get jaded, disillusioned, and maybe decide that this goal isn't for you, or it's too hard. Whenever those feelings come up, go back to your original plan. Critically think, and reflect on the goals you've set. Talk to someone about it.