daily targets 🎯

command center 🧭


Finance Tracker

Simple Budget Management

Consumption List

Retrospective Timetables Explained

Daily Journal

Mental Health Journal

Job Application Tracker

course pages 🏫

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

Course 5

milestones 🏁

deadlines βœ…

within the week


within the month



What is Notion? πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸŽ“

Self Management Skills

study jams 🎡

~Dashboard Use and Customization~

<aside> 🎨 Hey there! If you're reading this, welcome! You've stumbled upon the main dashboard of WebStraw's Notion project. If you're looking to step up your organization of school and personal life, you've come to the right place. This guide is meant to act as a brief tutorial on how to use, interact with, and modify the various elements on the dashboard to suit your own personal needs. Whether you are someone who's never heard of Notion before, or a seasoned Notion veteran, hopefully by reading through this small guide you'll be able to not only effectively implement various aspects of this dashboard into your own organizational framework, but also be inspired to maybe even create your own dashboard from the ground up. This guide will be divided into various sections, each one focused on a different aspect of the dashboard, and will go over how to use, create, and modify those elements.


"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." - Someone, somewhere.

Organization of Pages and Headings πŸ”–

First and foremost, Notion is a platform used to organize the various spaces that comprise your life β€” academics, work, extracurriculars, and so much more. As students, we have to juggle different responsibilities associated with each one, while making sure we achieve our goals and set aside time for personal growth. Page organization on this dashboard alleviates some of the burden by visualizing the various tasks we have to do and keeping track so we have something we can always refer back to when we need it.

The "command center" and "course pages" sections on the left help address this problem. These sections contain links to various subpages created under the dashboard which help store all our information: a weekly to-do list, an expense tracker, even a page for job hunting and our resumes. Of course, we've already made some pages for you to start, but if you ever decide you want to incorporate your own, you can always use the "/page" function to embed a new page, and drag the link using the 6 dots on the right of the link to move it under a specific section.

The "course pages" section is geared towards your average student. Students can create and modify course pages designed specifically around their current schedule and what courses they have at the moment. These pages can contain important information such as the syllabus, various links or contact information, notes from the class, or important related sites, such as those needed for homework and assignment submission. Having dedicated course pages can be extremely useful when you want to look up a detail found in the syllabus, or need to hand in homework. It also helps with general organization: being able to have a backup of your notes is always useful, just in case the worst happens!

Other important headings include the daily targets and milestones, which are designed to get you to think about what it is your goals are, and how you can achieve them. The first step into becoming more efficient with your time is to set clear goals. "What is it that I want to get done today? This week? How should I plan to be successful by the end of the month? Where do I want to see myself at the end of the year, and how do I get there?" Your daily targets help balance out the short-term, while milestones get you thinking about the mid and long-term. Clear goals also contribute to various other aspects of your life such as becoming more independent, and help you forge a clear path to where you want to be. To add new entries under these lists, use the "/todo" function, which allows you to add a goal with a checkbox beside it, so you can check it off when you complete it.

Aesthetics πŸ–ŒοΈ

The aesthetics of the dashboard are an important yet often overlooked area of a Notion dashboard. After all, if you're going to be spending a lot of time on your dashboard, it should at least be organized and personalizable to you. It's like working in a messy room β€” while it works, it could be so much better.

The theme for this dashboard was "winter." As it is getting colder, we liked the idea of having more lighter-blues, as it works well with the natural white of the page. Furthermore, the blue isn't too visually striking to the point of potential distraction. However, we understand that everyone has their own preference, and that what works for some, might not work for others.

Technical Features (Databases) 🧠

Some of the more technical features of Notion may seem daunting at first as a beginner, as it can be hard to really set these features up on your own without any background knowledge. However, don't let that deter you! Utilizing these very aspects of Notion allows you to optimize your workspace and increase productivity, by creating a faster way to retrieve important information quickly.

A lot of these features center around the "database" category of Notion, which focus around various media for storing and listing lots of categorical information; this can range from the basic table that no doubt many of us have seen before in Excel or Google Sheets, to more specialized features such as a Kanban board, media gallery, or a timeline.

One particularly useful page we'd like to highlight is the basic full page table, which can be repurposed as a deadline tracker by renaming the various columns. While a calendar can perform a similar function, a table allows you to "check-off" assignments and tasks as you complete them. To see our example of this tracker, click on the "Deadlines" page.


Here, it's possible to create a linked database, meaning that whichever database page you'd like to feature (table, calendar, etc.) can actually be shown on multiple different pages, and whenever you modify the database on one page, the action is saved and reflected in every single database. For example, if you happen to check off a completed task in the database in your main dashboard page, these same changes are applied in the original database!

Once complete, you can modify the view of the database using the three dots near the blue "New" button. For example in a table,

Functionality with Widgets πŸ€–

Widgets are a great way to not only customize your workspace and personalize it to reflect your tastes, but to also add functionality in small forms, similar to the widgets available on our smartphones. Widgets are super simple and easy to use in Notion, as you only really need to use the "/embed" function along with the link for your particular widget, and you're good to go!

These widgets and so many more can be found if you know where to look β€” the possibilities for widgets are endless!