
With so many tasks to do, it can be easy to loose track of deadlines or forget the small details. Staying organized will save you so much time and energy, and allow you to reach your best academic potential. Organization is not a one-size-fits-all skill, and the best organization techniques will be the ones that work best for you! Regardless of how you choose to get organized, you want to be aware of upcoming deadlines, breakup large tasks into smaller ones, have a plan for how and when you want to accomplish your tasks, and set up a daily routine.

Tips on Organization

Meaningful Productivity

Being productive means that we benefit from our time as much as possible. We want to make meaningful progress in a given amount of time. There are three stages to accomplishing meaningful productivity: planning, committing, and adjusting!

Tips on Meaningful Productivity

Time Management

Effective time management can be summarized into optimizing two different areas of life — planning and performance.

Tips for Effective Time Management ⏱️

Goal Setting

Throughout the goal-setting process, Notion can be used as a visual representation of your goals (short-term and long-term), but also help to organize the various steps and checkpoints along the way. You can organize goal setting via the "milestones" tracker on the dashboard. Here, you can plan out what are your short, mid, and long term goals for this week, month, and year respectively (although these can be modified to suit whichever time frame you prefer.)

How to set SMART goals 🎯


Having a lot on your plate, whether it's academics or extracurriculars, can be overwhelming and prevent you from knowing where to start. You might feel demotivated, and want to simply give up. We've all been through this! We want to help you out by providing tips on self-motivation and pushing yourself to complete your daunting list of tasks! Click on the article to read more:

Tips on Self Motivation